10 Insane Changes Movie Sequels Made

1. This Time... It's Personal - Jaws: The Revenge

Austin Powers 2

Because the third Jaws film going the 3D route apparently wasn't daft enough, Jaws: The Revenge decided to make the killer great white shark sentient, implying that it targets the Brody family in an act of revenge for their prior shark-killing actions.

The Revenge also popularised the infamous tagline, "This time... it's personal," which might've worked were the film positioned as a campy, tongue-in-cheek comedy, but as a serious attempt at a horror movie? Absolutely not.

It was quite a leap from the more straight-laced terror of the first three films, and silly enough that the movie's novelisation attempted to rationalise the shark's vengeance quest as - get this - the result of a voodoo curse placed upon it by a witch doctor who has a bone to pick with the Brody family. Yup.

But the movie itself makes no inference to this, and simply decides to have the shark intentionally target those who killed its forebears. As the plot of a sequel to a film nominated for the Best Picture Oscar, that's especially demented.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.