10 Insane Changes Movie Sequels Made

7. Steve Trevor Returns... In Deeply Problematic Fashion - Wonder Woman 1984

Austin Powers 2
Warner Bros.

When it was announced that Wonder Woman's (Gal Gadot) love interest Steve Trevor (Chris Pine) would be returning in the sequel despite heroically dying in the first film, fans were intrigued to see how writer-director Patty Jenkins would pull it off.

Ultimately Steve is resurrected after Diana makes a wish with the Dreamstone, and while it would've been absolutely fine and dandy for Steve to just materialise out of thin air, Jenkins misguidedly made the whole scenario twistedly problematic.

As it turns out, Steve is instead brought back to life in the body of another man (Kristoffer Polaha), and given that Diana and Steve appear to have sex after this, it opens a whole unpleasant can of worms about consent and what happened to the man's consciousness while his body was effectively hijacked.

Jenkins naturally attempted to downplay the criticisms, but considering it could've been easily avoided by simply having Steve come back to life out of nowhere, it felt like Jenkins truly set herself up to fail with a totally unnecessary controversy.

It's not even the worst thing in the movie, but it is perhaps the most needlessly gross subplot in any major film from recent years.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.