10 Insane Character Decisions That Totally Ruined Movies

2. Evelyn Gets Pregnant During An Alien Invasion - A Quiet Place

A Quiet Place Emily Blunt

A Quiet Place is a terrifically well-crafted thriller about a family trying to survive an invasion by a blind alien species with supernatural hearing abilities.

But sitting back and enjoying the movie requires audiences to leap over one significant dramatic hurdle - the fact that Evelyn Abbott (Emily Blunt) and her husband Lee (John Krasinski) decide to conceive a child well aware they're in the midst of an alien apocalypse.

The movie's defenders will argue that they did so to replace the child they lost in the film's opening sequence, but maybe it's a smarter decision to focus on saving the two children you've got left, and yourselves, rather than bring a screaming banshee into the world?

Sure, the conception could've been an accident, but the pregnancy plot ultimately just feels like sentimental baggage intended to artificially up the tension in a movie where it's already thoroughly palpable.

No matter how well-directed and sharply acted the film otherwise is, it's incredibly tough to reconcile this character logic.

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A Quiet Place
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.