10 Insane Harry Potter Fan Theories

6. Hufflepuff Are Stoners

Oh, Tumblr, you've given us so much - from memes to otherkin and all the way back, the social network-cum-blogging service is a treasure trove for weird crap on the internet. Perhaps the greatest bounty to ever have been harvested from the site, however, is a fan theory that relates to a certain school of Hogwarts described by Hagrid as €œa lot o' duffers€. The Sorting Hat, when introducing the different houses, describes Hufflepuff as €œWhere they are just and loyal, those patient Hufflepuffs are true, and unafraid of toil." Or, as the Hat may as well have said during the process, €œHufflepuff=4/20 blaze it!!!!!!€ At least, that's if you subscribe to shelltheworlddestroyer's line of thinking. Which we totally do, because it's hilarious. In a widely circulated text post the Tumblr hive mind put together inarguable proof that Hufflepuff is a house for stoners. Like, everybody who gets put into that house of Hogwarts will just spend all their time getting baked. Look: they are mostly considered to be nice and peaceful, they live in the basement right by the kitchens, their head of house teaches something called €œHerbology€ (but what kind of herbs, Pomona Sprout?), and a badger is exactly the sort of animal a pothead would think to conjure using their magic spells. The name is Hufflepuff, for crying out loud! HUFF le PUFF. It's all been right in front of us all along! Fittingly, this is exactly the sort of theory a stoned person would come up with and think was totally mind-blowing.

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/