10 INSANE Kills From Recent Horror Movies

4. Ingvar - Lamb

Studio 666

Method of Death: Shot by a man-ram hybrid.

No matter how many horror movies you've seen in your life, you've never seen anything quite like Lamb.

This moody Icelandic horror follows a childless couple, Ingvar (Hilmir Snær Guðnason) and María (Noomi Rapace), who find that one of their sheep has given birth to a human-sheep hybrid.

Ingvar and María consequently raise the "miracle" baby, Ada, as their own child, yet when Ada's biological sheep mother protests, María makes the fateful decision to kill the mother and bury her.

This backfires tragically in the film's finale, when Ada's biological father, a man-ram hybrid, turns up at their remote home.

The father kills the family's dog and then shoots Ingvar dead with a rifle, before taking custody of Ada and disappearing into the hills.

The movie ends with a traumatised María lamenting not only the loss of her husband but also her surrogate son.

Considering the artful restraint deployed throughout Lamb, the presence of an actual gun-totting humanoid man-ram thing in its final moments was a legitimate, brilliantly executed shock.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.