10 INSANE Kills From Recent Horror Movies

2. Everyone In The Jail - Malignant

Studio 666
Warner Bros.

Method(s) of Death: Neck ripped out, face slashed, impaled through chest, skull crushed, neck snapped, eyes gouged out and shot.

James Wan's Malignant is all over the place quality-wise, but it certainly delivers more than its fair share of inspired insanity during that climax.

When Madison (Annabelle Wallis) is arrested on suspicion of kidnapping, we learn that the movie's killer, Gabriel, is actually the remnants of her parasitic twin brother, who exists as a cancer-like formation attached to her brain within her skull. Yup.

Gabriel has been hijacking Madison's body to carry out the killings, and because "he" resides on the back of her head, he operates Madison's body backwards - hence why Gabriel's movements look so odd and unnatural.

While Madison is in lockup she's taunted by the various degenerates inside, causing Gabriel to emerge from the back of Madison's skull, whereby he slaughters basically everyone in the giant cell.

The notable kills include ripping a chunk out of a woman's neck, slashing another's face, impaling one through the chest with "his" bare hand, crushing someone's skull with his foot, snapping a neck, and then most hilariously saving the worst for the ringleader of the group (Zoe Bell), by gouging her eyes out and using her as a human shield against a cop who unloads a barrage of bullets into her.

That's hardly the end of it, either: Gabriel then uses bladed weapons to cut through a bunch of armed cops, because why the hell not? Love it or hate it, this entire sequence was absolutely wild.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.