10 Insane Movie Moments You Won't Believe You Never Spotted

7. Carl & Ellie's Priest Is Also Their Doctor - Up

Pearl Harbor

Pixar's Up is one of the most visually stunning animated films of all time, and nobody with a fully functioning pair of eyeballs could possibly call it lazily animated, even though fans recently discovered a strange "mistake" in the movie's most memorable sequence.

Up opens with a devastating montage chronicling the highs and lows of Carl (Ed Asner) and Ellie's married life, but look closely and you might spot the bizarre recurring presence of one character.

The priest who officiates Carl and Ellie's wedding is an older, balding man with grey hair on the sides of his head, and when Ellie suffers a miscarriage, the doctor delivering the news appears to be the very same man.

Naturally, it's incredibly unlikely that the same person would be acting as both a priest and doctor in the town, so it's far more likely that Pixar simply re-used the same character asset for both scenes and assumed nobody would notice.

Yet given that these brief moments occur barely a minute apart, it's not terribly surprising that some observant fans noticed the recycled character model.

As exacting as Pixar might be, it seems that even they aren't beyond cutting a corner or two.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.