10 Insane Movie Sequels That We Really Wish Had Happened

6. Searching For Keyser Soze

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It's A Sequel To: The Usual Suspects (1995)

I'm pretty sure that The Usual Suspects is a good movie that has tricked everyone into thinking that it's a great one by way of its infamous and shocking ending: you know, the one that sees Kevin Spacey limping down the street, only for him to stop limping, thus revealing himself to be crime boss genius Keyser Soze. Who knew?

In the wake of The Usual Suspects' critical and box office success, Hollywood briefly flirted with the idea of a sequel - one which would have apparently titled "Searching for Keyser Soze" and would have continued the story from where it left off. Kevin Spacey was well up for reprising his role, supposedly, and the studio toyed around with making it for years.

In a lot of ways, this particular follow-up - had it been made - would have been downright crazy, given that the whole point of The Usual Suspects is that we don't get to learn about Keyser Soze: he's a myth; a legend; he disappears into thin air on a whim. Expanding the character's backstory and delving into his private life in a sequel would have almost certainly taken something away from the original flick... and yet, it's impossible to watch the ending to The Usual Suspects without thinking... "what if"?

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Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.