10 Insane Recent Movie Moments Nobody Saw Coming

6. Human S'mores - The Menu

Glass Onion
Sony Pictures Releasing

The Menu boasts one of the strongest, most brilliantly enigmatic first acts of any movie released last year, before it becomes clear that celebrity chef Julian Slowik (Ralph Fiennes) has a major bone to pick with most everyone assembled to dine at his restaurant that evening.

Julian's entire ploy has been to end the night with everyone in the restaurant, including his guests, his staff, and himself, dying, serving as an ultimate statement of his psychotic disillusionment with the fancies of "fine" dining.

And so, Julian's final dish is a dessert like no other - the most f**ked up version of s'mores ever made. Julian, clearly no fan of the childhood classic, has his staff cover the floor in crushed crackers and adorn the diners with cloaks made of marshmallows and chocolate hats.

Julian then sets himself and the restaurant on fire, with the diners helplessly watching as their chocolate hats melt and, eventually, an explosive barrel blows the entire restaurant to smithereens.

The only one who manages to escape, of course, is Margot (Anya Taylor-Joy), who in addition to being an unexpected guest at the restaurant that night, had the presence of mind to ask for a cheeseburger to go.

Given that many expected The Menu to go the cannibalism route, this was a rather surprising - and hilariously messed-up - narrative turn indeed.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.