10 Insane Recent Movie Moments Nobody Saw Coming

4. Keith Dies At The End Of The First Act - Barbarian

Glass Onion
Fox Searchlight

The pre-release buzz surrounding Zach Cregger's mesmerising horror debut Barbarian relentlessly implored audiences to know as little about it as possible going in, because it massively subverted expectations.

And even if you concluded from the hints that Bill SkarsgÄrd's male lead, Keith, wasn't a total creeper with malevolent designs on protagonist Tess (Georgina Campbell), you probably still never saw his brutal, abrupt fate coming.

Keith and Tess end up sharing the Airbnb they were double-booked into, and after Tess discovers a hidden corridor in the house's basement, Keith goes down to investigate.

He doesn't return, and so Tess follows him downstairs, where she discovers a secret underground tunnel, and eventually stumbles across a deeply alarmed Keith.

A confused Keith tries to get Tess to follow him out of the tunnel in the wrong direction, but amid their scuffle, Keith is suddenly attacked by the gigantic, mutated woman living down there, who smashes his head to a bloody pulp by slamming it against the tunnel's wall.

Again, even if you predicted that Keith would just be a nice, slightly awkward guy, the jolting quality of his death is something nobody saw coming.

That the film then suddenly cuts to black and shifts to a new character, AJ (Justin Long), only makes it that much more of a WTF moment.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.