10 Insane Rules Movies Weren't Allowed To Break

6. Hal Jordan Had To Have A Fully CGI Lantern Suit - Green Lantern

Harry Potter
Warner Bros.

Green Lantern was one of the most infamous superhero duds of the 2010s, and though neither its script nor its direction were particularly good, perhaps the biggest complaint among critics and fans was the ill-advised decision to give Hal Jordan (Ryan Reynolds) a fully CGI Lantern suit.

This allegedly wasn't a decision made by director Martin Campbell - who while not averse to big budgets, had never dealt with a fully VFX-driven production before - but studio Warner Bros.

WB wanted to ensure that the suit would be "a manifestation of [Hal Jordan's] power," and so felt that the only way to achieve this was to have it be a digital object which could be mapped onto him however they saw fit.

As a result, Reynolds simply wore a motion capture suit during shooting and the digital Lantern suit, complete with mask, was tracked over the top during post-production.

Though it's clear that Warner Bros. was going all-in on this $200 million tentpole, it would've been much, much smarter to allow Campbell to simply give Hal a basic practical suit and mask which could then be embellished with VFX.

Instead, there's a distractingly plastic-y look to Hal's suit - especially the mask - that just looks, well, hideous.

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Harry Potter
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.