10 Insane Rules Movies Weren't Allowed To Break

4. None Of Jimi Hendrix's Music Could Be Used - Jimi: All Is By My Side

Harry Potter
XLrator Media

2013's Jimi Hendrix biopic Jimi: All Is by My Side came and went without much of a peep despite starring a perfectly-cast André 3000 in the title role, in large part because the film didn't include any music written by Hendrix.

The filmmakers were unable to secure Hendrix's songs from his estate for use in the film, forcing writer-director John Ridley to alter the scope of his movie, focusing it instead on Hendrix's earlier years as he rose to prominence.

And so, we never see Hendrix play any of his most beloved songs, instead largely playing covers of other people's songs he was known to have performed in the mid-to-late 1960s.

It seems like a movie-breaking restriction, really, and though the end result is still an interesting experiment topped by a fantastic performance from André 3000, it is absolutely missing the undeniable kick and pizazz that Hendrix's music would've given it.

As such, Jimi: All Is by My Side fascinatingly underlines the tension inherent in making any music biopic, and why so many of them end up as sanitised, estate-endorsed nonsense.

When the music is at stake, it's little surprise that many filmmakers compromise their desire to make a warts-and-all biopic. Ridley, to his credit, at least stuck to his guns and didn't do that.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.