10 Insane Things Movie Fans Did For Their Favourite Actors

8. A Fan Cut Off Their Ear And Sent It To Jared Leto

Tom Felton Adopt
Warner Bros.

Fan mail is a commonly-accepted part of celebrity culture, and anybody who lives in the limelight in a major way should fully expect to receive a gift or two during their career.

"Gift" is probably the wrong word for this one though. Try "profoundly disturbing item". In early 2013, a pre-Joker Jared Leto appeared on UK radio station Radio X, where he relayed a story about an obsessed fan who had apparently given him an earful.


"Someone cut their ear off once and sent it to me, that was very strange. A whole ear. The Van Gogh move. The note just said, are you listening? I never knew who it was, who's missing their ear out there. I poked a hole in it and wore it as a necklace!"

Soon after there were claims that the ear was a fake, but the actor continued to assert that it was real.

Leto is a prominent figure in two completely different - yet equally massive - circles, due to his musical and onscreen talents. So in a way, it's not surprising to hear that he gets sent some weird stuff. In a chat with The New York Times, he even stated he'd once received a box of pubic hair.

That's one way to keep the plughole unblocked...

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Tom Felton
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