10 Insane Things Studios DEMANDED In Movies

5. Pierce Brosnan Can't Wear A Tuxedo - The Thomas Crown Affair

Superbad PS2

When MGM put a remake of The Thomas Crown Affair into production and cast Pierce Brosnan as the lead, they had one firm rule - the James Bond star couldn't wear a tuxedo in the film.

Brosnan was in the middle of his 007 tenure at the time - an IP also owned by MGM - and one of the stipulations in his Bond contract was that he couldn't wear a tuxedo in any other film until his time as the iconic spy was over.

Presumably the idea was that it would dilute the Bond branding and allow other films to effectively ride 007's coattails by dressing Brosnan up in similar garb, so this was the deal Brosnan made.

But given that The Thomas Crown Affair features a fancy ball where Brosnan's character Thomas Crown would absolutely be expected to go black tie, the filmmakers opted to have him wear an opened shirt and undone tie, so the get-up couldn't in any way be called a correctly dressed tuxedo.

It's ultimately mildly distracting that this suave billionaire is dressed so coarsely throughout the scene, but given that it stopped Brosnan getting in trouble with the Bond bosses, it was probably for the best.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.