10 Insane Things Studios DEMANDED In Movies

3. More Nudity - Blade Runner

Superbad PS2
Warner Bros.

The annals of Hollywood history are littered with studio notes which might be kindly deemed "braindead," and even though he'd firmly proven his talents on Alien, Ridley Scott still had to deal with some ridiculous studio demands while making his 1982 opus Blade Runner.

It's hardly a secret that Scott battled Warner Bros. over the final cut of the film, but perhaps their most peculiar request of all? More nudity.

In reference to the sequence where Deckard (Harrison Ford) meets replicant Zhora (Joanna Cassidy) in her dressing room, an unnamed studio executive listed only as "A.L." asked for there to be "more t*ts."

Somewhat ironically, the widely maligned theatrical cut of Blade Runner doesn't actually feature any nudity at all, though for Scott's later Director's Cut and his definitive Final Cut, Zhora is briefly seen topless after having a shower.

The studio technically won this argument in the end, and yet the topless nudity couldn't be called gratuitous in the slightest - it feels like a natural part of the scene and nothing more.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.