10 Insane War Movie Facts You Won't Believe Are Real
From Inglourious Basterds to Full Metal Jacket, these war movie facts must be seen to be believed.

While war movies are renowned for their epic scale, intense drama, and authentic depictions of combat, many of the stories behind their production can be just as remarkable as the films themselves. Whether it be the astonishing lengths taken by directors to cultivate a sense of realism or an assortment of near-disastrous incidents occurring on set, there is a laundry list of incredible war movie facts that defy belief.
The extreme subject matter that can be found in war films means that productions often have to go above and beyond to bring these sequences to life in a convincing manner, providing audiences with - depending on their intent - a slice of historical fiction that feels convincing and compelling.
Additionally, the sheer scale of war is not easy to replicate, meaning that many movies must go to remarkable lengths and lavish eye-watering sums of money on production to capture an authentic snapshot of armed conflict.
From productions so big they may as well have been a private army, to close calls that left several actors in genuine peril, these behind-the-scenes stories underline the commitment and attention to detail that has gone into producing some of the most celebrated and enduring war films ever made, earning hallowed status for their quality and lasting impact on both the medium of film and popular culture more generally.
From wild forms of method acting and stunt work to unbelievable facts behind the films' production, sit back and take in some of the most sensational stories behind an array of cinema's most acclaimed war films.
10. Shia LaBeouf Sliced His Own Face On The Set Of Fury

A savage depiction of tank warfare set against the backdrop of WWII's endgame, Fury is a masterful outing from David Ayer. An unflinching rendition of war's brutality and the indelible bonds formed between men during combat, the 2014 film is a visceral experience for the ages and one of the finest war movies of the 2010s.
No stranger to legal issues and controversies in general, Fury cast member Shia LaBeouf is not renowned for being the most level-headed individual in the world. While LaBeouf's style of method acting is well known at this point, the actor took his volatile antics to disturbing new levels in his efforts to portray tank gunner Boyd "Bible" Swan.
In addition to refusing to shower and having a tooth pulled to play Swan, LaBeouf left his cast mates aghast by eschewing prosthetic scars and slicing his face with a knife to give his character a convincing injury. The actor continued reopening the wound throughout filming, horrifying everybody around him to such an extent that production allegedly arranged for him to stay in separate accommodation to the remainder of the cast and crew.