10 Insane Ways Classic Movie Scenes Were Filmed

4. Jurassic Park Basically Starred Real Dinosaurs

One of the things that has us pumped for Jurassic World €“ besides trusting star Chris Pratt and director Colin Trevorrow, who previously helmed the brill Safety Not Guaranteed €“ is the promise that they're going to be using practical effects. That means explosions, puppets, and animatronic dinosaurs. Which, believe it or not, is how Steven Spielberg populated the original Jurassic Park. There was some primitive CGI used during the production (you can kind of tell when they use it, like in the velociraptor kitchen scene), but for the most part they tried their best to go full Hammond and actually create dinosaurs to star in the film. Which sounds absolutely bleeding terrifying to us. So during the iconic scene where everything starts to go wrong, the T-Rex bursts through the electrified fence and starts menacing those two annoying kids? The fear on their faces was at least halfway real. Because the special effects geniuses/sadists had actually built a full-scale dinosaur that could walk, swing its tail and €“ crucially €“ roar. Jeff Goldblum is waving a flare at a sorta real dinosaur. The T-Rex that crashes through the roof of the upturned car on the kids? Also sorta real. It wasn't just the actors who were peeing themselves when brought up against an actual tyrannosaur, either; the rain-soaked scene eventually got to the animatronics, meaning it had to sit out for a while. During one lunch break it malfunctioned, came to life and sent the crew screaming and running for their lives. Life always finds a way...

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/