10 Insanely Accurate Movie Details You Never Noticed

3. Romeo Y Julieta Cigars - Darkest Hour

Mr and Mrs Smith Rifle Game
Working Title Films

2017 biographical drama Darkest Hour earned Gary Oldman his first Academy Award win for his take on British Prime Minister Winston Churchill. Following the politician's early days in office, the critically acclaimed picture concludes with Churchill's iconic "we shall fight on the beaches" speech to the House of Commons.

Donning a fat suit and prosthetic face to lend legitimacy to his depiction of "the British Bulldog", Oldman produces a stellar performance. He's practically indistinguishable from the man himself - a genuinely remarkable feat considering his slim build. Such care was taken in producing a credible portrait of "Winnie" that Oldman even smoked the exact same cigars as Churchill - a Cuban brand entitled "Romeo y Julieta" after Shakespeare's tragic fictional lovers.

It turned out to be an exceedingly expensive accurate detail to boot. Oldman reluctantly puffed his way through more than 400 of the expensive cigars throughout the film's production. Not only did he send approximately $20,000 of Darkest Hour's $30 million budget up in literal smoke, but the actor managed to give himself acute nicotine poisoning in the process.


Law graduate with a newly rediscovered passion for writing, mad about film, television, gaming and MMA. Can usually be found having some delightful manner of violence being inflicted upon him or playing with his golden retriever.