10 Insanely Accurate War Film Details

8. Stubbing Out Cigarettes - Valkyrie

War Movie Details Fury
20th Century Studios

2008's Tom Cruise-led Valkyrie was a relative critical and commercial success. Focusing on the 1944 plot led by Wehrmacht Colonel Claus Von Stauffenberg to assassinate Hitler and take control of Germany from within, the film is one of Cruise's lesser-known outings but remains a gripping watch courtesy of a magnificent supporting ensemble cast, even if the film itself does depict some major historical inaccuracies.

Despite taking key liberties with the 20 July plot, Valkyrie features an astounding level of visual detail, with intricate care devoted towards the uniforms and hairstyles of the era. With that being said, the film's crowning jewel comes in a sequence around the halfway mark, during the arrival of Hitler's personal plane. The moment the Führer's aircraft touches down on the tarmac, every German officer smoking quickly stamps out their cigarettes.

This innocuous gesture could easily be misinterpreted for a sign of respect within military ranks or completely missed altogether, but actually holds far deeper meaning. Despite a taste for barbiturates and cocaine, Hitler notoriously despised tobacco - Nazi Germany was one of the first European countries to instigate an anti-smoking campaign. As such, anybody puffing away in his presence was likely to land themselves in hot water.

Those things will kill you, you know.


Law graduate with a newly rediscovered passion for writing, mad about film, television, gaming and MMA. Can usually be found having some delightful manner of violence being inflicted upon him or playing with his golden retriever.