10 Insanely Expensive Movies You Forgot Even Existed

7. The Wolfman

The Great Wall Matt Damon
Universal Pictures

Before The Mummy killed the Dark Universe at the first hurdle, and even before Dracula Untold's failure saw the studio dismiss it as a practice run for an interconnected franchise, Universal had already shown that they were more than capable of f**king up big-budget adaptations of their classic monster properties.

Mark Romanek was originally set to direct The Wolfman before he left the project over creative differences, before the ever-reliable Joe Johnston was drafted in to get the movie across the finish line, with the behind-the-scenes issues that had plagued the troubled production sending the budget soaring to $150m, almost double the $85m Universal was originally planning to spend.

The Wolfman's opening weekend accounted for over half of the movie's entire domestic box office, and the studio ended up making a huge loss on the Gothic horror. It appears that they've only recently found the formula to turn their iconic monsters into critical and commercial hits, but the infamous bomb did at least nab the consolation prize of an Academy Award win for Best Makeup.


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