10 Inspirations For Heath Ledger’s The Joker

1. Tom Waits

Ultimately, and rather surprisingly, you could probably ignore everything else on this list and argue that legendary singer-songwriter Tom Waits was in fact the primary influence for Ledger€™s Joker. I mean, the similarities between the two, primarily in terms of dialogue delivery and mannerisms, is truly uncanny. Waits had (still has, although it€™s obviously aged some) a voice tinged by bourbon and cigarettes, creating a unique drawl the likes of which you won€™t hear anywhere else€well, outside of Ledger's take on the Joker that is. It€™s not just the voice though, it€™s the tone, the mannerisms, the way he arranges his words, everything. Just check out this clip (skip ahead to 1:30), close your eyes, and tell me that Ledger wasn't totally channelling Waits into the Joker. And not just well, but perfectly: http://youtu.be/gCSc6E4yG9s So there you have our ten blaring inspirations for Heath Ledger€™s Joker. Anything we missed or anything you totally disagree with? Do let us know won€™t you.

Stuart believes that the pen is mightier than the sword, but still he insists on using a keyboard.