10 Inspirations For Heath Ledger’s The Joker

3. Malcolm McDowell (Alex) in A Clockwork Orange

Few characters ever committed to screen have been as darkly sociopathic yet as incredibly engaging and charismatic has Alex DeLarge in Kubrick€™s sexually-violent masterpiece. Apparently, during Ledger€™s research for The Dark Knight, he took close note of the A Clockwork Orange€™s protagonist €“ particularly his psychotic mannerisms €“ when crafting his own now iconic take on The Joker. Perhaps more than anything before it in this list you can see echoes of McDowell€™s legendary turn in Ledger€™s performance; the strange way in which he holds himself, the constantly €˜amused€™ way in which he delivers his dialogue, and the scarily sociopathic enjoyment he seems to derive from causing chaos. Check out the clip below to see exactly what I mean: http://youtu.be/b8NJyJ_KB7o

Stuart believes that the pen is mightier than the sword, but still he insists on using a keyboard.