1. 2012
To Roland Emmerich blowing up various things is an artform in and of itself that must be meticulously crafted. And by meticulously crafted I mean take cans of paint and splash them all over a canvas irrationally without order or calculation. With 2012 he decided to go all out depicting a biblical apocalypse full of collapsing buildings and chaotic destruction. Analyzing this list we know that theres one consistent variable to determine international box office success and it is that they love watching large scale global action. 2012 boasted an absurd budget of $200 million and had to scratch and claw to make even over half of that back domestically. Internationally however it wiped the floor smashing its way to just under $700 million simultaneously trailblazing its path to one of the highest grossing films of all time. Did I miss any worthy choices? Share your picks too in the comments below!