10 International Smash-Hits That America Somehow Hated

3. Men In Black 3

Men In Black 3 Coming off of a hiatus and less than stellar sequel (both critically and financially) no one knew what to expect from Men In Black 3. Was the market still there? Did the sequel squash all interest? All we knew was that the draw of Will Smith would guarantee some financial success to an unknown extent. Domestically the third entry fared well with around $175 million in its lifetime although that is nowhere close to the astronomical budget of $225 million. http://youtu.be/Y2r9AIfYcV8 First of all that is already an insanely bloated budget for Men In Black. International audiences embraced it though and were not fazed by a sub-par sequel or elongated hiatus as they skyrocketed Men In Block 3 to nearly $450 million for an overall take of $624 million. Men In Black 3 finished as the highest grossing film in the franchise. It's safe to say that after the abysmal failure that was After Earth, Will Smith will now smash his son Jaden into this franchise now. International movie goers, please make that a flop!

I write for WhatCulture (duh) and MammothCinema. Born with Muscular Dystrophy Type 2; lover of film, games, wrestling, and TV.