10 Interstellar Script Changes That Drastically Changed The Film

2. The Gravity Beings€™ Plan Is To Save A Different Species

With the probe sent back, ready to lead Cooper to NASA and, as is subsequently revealed, provide Murph with the information needed to get the population off Earth, his mission is over. He travels back to Earth in what can be crudely construed as his present; 300 years or so after he left. The Earth he lands on is near frozen and completely devoid of life. Coming face-to-face with icy remnants of his former life, he accepts his, and the wider species', end, releasing the alien from the ice planet, which we subsequently see thrives on the new Earth. And as he lets the life slowly leave him in the freezing landscape, Cooper learns the blood-curdling twist; the gravity beings weren't trying to save us. They were manipulating humanity to get them to save the strange alien. They didn't care about us at all. Now that would have everyone talking after the film.

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.