10 Interstellar Script Changes That Drastically Changed The Film

4. The Characters Travel 250 Years Into The Future

Although things have been pretty different - the crew have some alien samples and it was a robot that went crazy - the general narrative drive has been similar between the first draft and the finished film thus far. That's all about to change. When first entering the new galaxy the Endurance went close to the central black holes, already sending the crew 50 years ahead of Earth. CASE's rampage sends the ship once again close to them, seeing centuries pass by in minutes; the crew witness the ice planet destroyed by the minor black hole and, by the time they escape their gravitational pull, over 250 years has passed. The emotional impact of this is two-fold. Not only will Murph and Tom have long since passed away, making their recordings the only way Cooper will ever see them again, but it's likely humanity has already gone extinct - due to the blight there was little hope of man seeing out the rest of the century. This leaves the three astronauts on the Endurance forced to face that they're the very last of their species. We don't get any cutaways to what's going on back home, so are as in the dark as Cooper.

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.