10 Lessons DC Needs To Learn From Batman V Superman

1. Don't Overstuff Films

Warner Bros. Pictures

Trying to set up a whole cinematic universe all in one movie is a daunting task and Batman V Superman undeniably buckled under that pressure. The exact same thing happened with Iron Man 2 over at Marvel and DC needs to recognize that their films cannot shoulder such a heavy burden and still produce a strong narrative separate from all of the easter eggs and set-up.

DC’s films need to focus on themselves first and foremost. The Flash needs to be about The Flash, and Wonder Woman about Wonder Woman. Once those central adventures are handled, then a few nuggets can be sprinkled in to help grow the universe.

Batman v Superman took a backwards approach to this and its litany of subplots came back to bite it. Things like the Knightmare dream sequence and the introduction to the Justice League didn’t feel like they belonged and hurt the rest of the film by taking time away from the main narrative.

With so much of the universe-building out of the way for the moment, hopefully DC's next few movies don't feel like advertisements for the future, but rather, celebrations of the present. A bit of editing and less superfluous moments setting up future instalments will go a long way to making each film feel like a complete story.

Do you think DC has learned anything after Batman V Superman? What else would you like to see them take away from the film? Let us know in the comments.

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Connor loves movies, comics, and TV, and is trying to write for people who feel the same way. When he's not sitting on the couch with his laptop, you might find him lying in his bed with his laptop.