10 Lessons Sony Must Learn Before The Amazing Spider-Man 3

9. A Single Villain Is Enough, You Know

Speaking of villains, it's amazing to ponder as to how - given that it was the major criticism associated with Spider-Man 3 - Sony ended up approving THREE VILLAINS for the likes of The Amazing Spider-Man 2. It makes so little sense as to how something like that could have actually happened, and what do you know? It did! The movie felt as uneven and bloated and undeveloped and messy as Spider-Man 3 did on account of having so many bad guys on show. What seems to be occurring, essentially, is that Sony are trying to implement as many characters as possible as quickly as possible, presumably so that they have a shot at competing with the already massive Marvel Cinematic Universe and the soon to be realised DC Cinematic Universe. The problem is that these things take time, and The Amazing Spider-Man 3 already looks like it's going to suffer with Spidey going up against - erk - The Sinister Six.

Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.