10 Lessons Sony Must Learn Before The Amazing Spider-Man 3

7. A Spider-Man Movie Should Be Fun

For all intents and purposes, The Amazing Spider-Man 2 seemed to exist in a state of melancholia - it wasn't exactly Requiem for a Dream, but there was something of a drab tone covering the whole affair, almost as if the filmmakers felt they should make an ultimately serious picture but still insisted on moments of "fun" now and again. As a result, the whole thing felt like a bit of a mess - the inconsistent nature of the film's tone meant that the scenes felt constantly at odds with one another. What the franchise is really missing, then, is a sense of actual "fun." Like, Spider-Man being Spider-Man and enjoying the hell out of it; action scenes that aren't insanely crucial to the storyline, but exist just to make Spidey look cool; a generally lighthearted kind of picture. It's true that The Amazing Spider-Man was a little more like that in style and didn't have so many tonal issues inherent to it, but already there's a sense that this franchise is becoming a bit too "serious" for its own good. Make it super fun, guys.

Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.