10 Lies About Star Wars You Probably Believe

Sexual assumptions, apparent pieces of iconic improv and many more Star Wars lies you believe...

Luke Skywalker

Few movie franchises have ever captivated and gripped the planet in quite the same way as George Lucas' space opera did and has in the time since his Star Wars blast onto our screens way back in 1977.

And with a world as rich and enthralling as this galaxy far, far away comes an inevitable need to discover and consume more and more glorious facts and details about either the vibrant universe regularly trotted out on screens or the behind-the-scenes effort needed to make said projects a reality.

But not every jaw-dropping revelation that has trickled onto the Internet when it pertains to this intergalactic juggernaut is as truthful as it initially may have appeared. In fact, a great many of the real-world myths and tales that have accompanied the space-aged stories of good colliding with evil have found themselves being thoroughly debunked over the years by the folks in front of and behind the cameras.

From iconic spur-of-the-moment one-liners being anything but that, to certain supposed character inspirations being far from the actual truth, it's time to uncover just how valid these Star Wars "facts" actually are...

10. Jedi Knights Are Celibate

Luke Skywalker

Throughout much of the Skywalker Saga in particular, the idea of a Jedi falling in love and inevitably getting somewhat intimate on the back of this felt like one of the biggest taboos in the entire galaxy.

Largely framed as monk-like figures for the most part, it's not hard to see why most Star Wars fans would assume the galaxy's supposed forces of good were very much sworn to celibacy from the second they decided to follow the path of the Jedi.

However, as George Lucas would later reveal to the BBC around the time of Attack of the Clones, it turns out that the likes of Anakin Skywalker bumping uglies with another isn't as off limits as you initially expected.

As Lucas put it:

"Jedi Knights aren’t celibate. The thing that is forbidden is attachments – and possessive relationships."

So, in other words, settling down to start a family with someone you're very much in love with? That's a big no-no.

Feeling that the Force is particularly strong with someone else for one-night-only, no strings attached, however? That's apparently all good, according to the Jedi Order's questionable rulebook.

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Star Wars
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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...