10 Lies About Star Wars You Probably Believe

2. Harrison Ford Improvised The "I Know" Line In The Moment

Luke Skywalker

Has there ever been a more inspired response to the tried and tested declaration of love towards another human than that of Han Solo's cool as ice quip of "I know" in the closing stages of The Empire Strikes Back?

Far from being a spur-of-the-moment outburst from Harrison Ford upon hearing Carrie Fisher's Princess Leia confess her love for the defiant smuggler, though, it turns out that the actor actually forged this plan some time before the cameras rolled on that Cloud City set.

As revealed in journalist Alan Arnold's transcription of a spot of brainstorming between Ford and director Irvin Kershner on the day of shooting (via CBR), used for his behind-the-scenes Once Upon a Galaxy: A Journal of the Making of The Empire Strikes Back book, the actor pitched "If she says “I love you,” and I say “I know,” that’s beautiful and acceptable and funny" in response to the director pleading for him to say an almost contractual "I'll be back" line instead.

It was still entirely Ford's idea, but one that was discussed and negotiated, admittedly without a frustrated Fisher's input, before the director had called action. So, while inspired, it unfortunately can't be classed as an off-the-cuff piece of legendary improvisation.

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