10 Life Lessons That Parents Wish Hollywood Would Stop Teaching Their Kids

5. Lying, Stealing, And Cheating Gets The Girl

Alright, boys. Your turn. Let's have a little talk, shall we? I know that between all the Friend Zone talk and the images of big bad action heroes that get the girl, it can be tough for some of you to know how to woo a woman. This is a natural part of growing up. You're going to be awkward for a few (or many) years, and not everything is going to work. However, one thing that you should keep in mind, no matter what you do in life: if you have to lie about who you are, what you have, what you can do, or where you come from in order to earn the attention of a lovely young lady, you haven't really earned it all. Oh, and she knows, anyway. To the credit of some storytellers, like the ones behind Aladdin, more often than not the woman can see through the lies of a charming con man. Princess Jasmine, for example, outsmarts Prince Ali by asking him about his monkey (no, not like that, dirty readers). Of course, Ali piles on the lies and she goes along with it, but we can at least see she's clever. However, to the discredit of this movie and others like it, once the truth is out, it takes all of half a second to forgive and forget. It's true, everyone fudges a bit when they're meeting someone new. For example, if I go on a date with an attractive young lady, I will likely tell her that I'm a professional writer. I will probably not go out of my way to explain that my primary job (when I'm not writing words for you delightful folks) is for a tech blog where I cover geeky minutia that no one cares about. Save that for the second date. However, I also will not say that I am the founder of an internet startup venture that's received $40m in Series A funding to reinvent social media. She will probably figure this out sooner rather than later and I imagine she will not be as forgiving as Princess Jasmine.
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Eric is a snarky movie buff with a taste for the unusual. When he's not obsessing about films, you can usually find him obsessing about Android, psychology, or the perfect Indian recipe. Eric weaves his own special blend of snark, satire, and comedy into all his articles.