10 Life Lessons That Parents Wish Hollywood Would Stop Teaching Their Kids

3. Love An Ugly, Mean Man Hard Enough And He'll Change For You

Young girls can't catch a break, can they? Sure, it's totally necessary for the lady to be prim, proper, and presentable and, even if she has other, fantastic qualities, love won't find her until that inner beauty is visible on the outside. Guys, though? We don't need no stinking makeovers! Or winning personality. Or hygiene. The quintessential example is so stark and so well-loved that we almost don't even need to look at anything else: Beauty and the Beast features a well-read, intelligent, independent and beautiful woman. She is not only a fantastic person, but sought after by virtually every man in town. Including the unsavory Gaston. Okay, we'll admit, he's kind of a douche. However, in an attempt to save her father's life, she ends up imprisoned with an angry, rude, hairy animal. The beast named Beast orders her to dine with him, loses his temper as she attempts to treat his wounds, and is generally a huge jerk. Of course, she falls in love with him. Maybe it's because she wants to believe there's more to him than his gruff exterior. Maybe it's Stockholm Syndrome. Maybe she just really likes animals. Maybe it's Maybelline. Who knows? But, for whatever reason, she falls for him. Setting aside the obvious bestiary metaphors, we'll go with it. After all, who can say why the heart wants what it does? The moral for the boys in the audience, though, is that being mean works, and the moral for the girls is to love the guy even if he's awful and you can do better. So long as you let a lady take a look at your books and dance with her a bit, you're good to go, fellas. Oh, and let's not forget the battle at the end (again: violence) and Beast's sudden transformation. Not only did loving the monster and tolerating psychological and physical abuse work, but he even became a stud, right before her very eyes. If only it worked that way.
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Eric is a snarky movie buff with a taste for the unusual. When he's not obsessing about films, you can usually find him obsessing about Android, psychology, or the perfect Indian recipe. Eric weaves his own special blend of snark, satire, and comedy into all his articles.