10 Little Known Superhero Teams That Could Make Marvel Millions

7. Web Warriors

Captain Marvel Alpha Flight
Marvel Comics

Following the success of the excellent, Oscar-winning Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse, Sony would be fools to not go all in on further exploring alternate reality versions of the wall-crawler, something which the Web Warriors would be the perfect for.

After the events of the comic book Spider-Verse, one of the most enjoyable web-slingers to read about, Spider-UK, formed this crack team of Spideys to protect worlds that lost their spider-totems during the event. This allowed readers to continue to bask in the brilliant concept of seeing variations of Spider-Man team-up and fight bad guys, minus more silly elements of the original comic, namely the inter-dimensional vampires who had a taste for spider-blood.

Though, with these villains also being absent from the movie, another reasoning behind such an alliance would have to be created, but, we're sure that, whatever it ends up being, it'll be less absurd than the whole vampire thing.


Lover of film and comics, and (according to a comment on this very website) a pulsating sack of worthless nothing!