10 Major 2014 Films That Will Probably Kill Their Franchise

4. Step Up All In

The first indicator that this, the fifth entry in the Step Up series may be last is obvious from the title. No, not that it€™s got a ring of finality about it (although that€™s worth noting). You see, it reads like it should be a pun (Step Up 2: The Streets), but... it isn€™t. Why do we get the feeling no one€™s trying anymore? Being a cheaply produced franchise for an audience that couldn€™t give a toss about what critics think, the Step Up series has trotted along nicely, even weathering the loss of original star Channing Tatum by having gangs dance in 3D. For a artistically barren series like this to end doesn€™t require the sparks that accompany some other entries on this list. All it needs is for fatigue to set in. And that is certainly the case here. The craze of dance movies is well passed, meaning Step Up is surviving on the goodwill of long standing fans. Goodwill that wears thinner with each installment; each film has made less than the last at the domestic box office, despite budgets rising. With none of the original players (in front of or behind the camera) still around and margins shrinking, this feels like one final stab at the teen demographic's wallets.

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.