10 Major Characters Cut From MCU Movies (And Why)

7. Captain America - Ant-Man & The Wasp

Spider-Man Homecoming Captain America
Marvel Studios

The Original Plan

After the excellent Luis flashback scenes from the first Ant-Man, it was inevitable we'd get more in the sequel and while the one in there is great, Peyton Reed has revealed (via Radio Times) that he originally wanted Captain America to appear in it.

Luis would have recapped the airport battle scene from Civil War (much like Spider-Man does at the start of his movie). And that version does sound amazing, to be honest:

“Early on, we had a version where we were going to do a quick version of the tarmac fight from Civil War, with some ridiculous thing where, you know, Captain America has Ant-Man as a baseball and throws him. Because the whole thing is Luis’ version of events, right? We came up with all these ridiculous visuals.”

Sadly, it wasn't to be and the Cap scene never saw the light of day.

Why He Was Cut

There were two reasons for the cut. First, Reed says there were already too many Civil War references and second, the addition of Cap would have compromise Ant-Man & The Wasp being a true stand-alone as it was always intended:

"We knew that we wanted to continue the story of these characters and then introduce our own characters that were really far more relevant to the story we were telling. Plus the fact that we were coming right after Infinity War, which is really like everyone… With the exception of Ant-Man and the Wasp and, of course, Hawkeye."

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