10 Major Characters Cut From MCU Movies (And Why)

2. A "Big Snake" - Avengers: Infinity War

Avengers Infinity War Snake
Marvel Studios

The Original Plan

In the wake of Infinity War's release, we all found out that the Russos were remarkably economical when it came to the production process, which is why there are so few deleted scenes. There were, however, some different plans earlier in the film-making process.

For instance, there was some though of not having the Snap in this film at all and opening Endgame with it, and on top of that, a whole other race of creatures was set to debut at one point.

According to writers Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely, in an interview with ET Online, they tried to get around writer's block by introducing a pair of giant snaked:

"We were sort of running on empty and we were like, ‘Snake? Big snake? Let’s try big snake.’ And then everyone went insane."

That sounds like a good answer to all questions, really. They also entertained the idea of using Adam Warlock, given his importance in the comics, but it made no sense.

Why It Was Cut

The snakes were designed to add even more threat to Thor and Rocket's (and Groot's) mission to forge Stormbreaker, but as with all products of writer's block-inspired silliness, they were deemed too much and left on the floor of the planning room.

Weirdly, the artwork revealed that the serpent encounter would have taken place after the Nidavellir journey, so perhaps it might even have happened on Wakanda and they were part of Thanos' army? The mind boggles.

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