10 Major Details Marvel Just Revealed About Thor: Ragnarok

1. It's Thor's "Most Dangerous And Most Heroic Adventure" Yet

Thor Ragnarok
Marvel Studios

Good, he needs it.

Kevin Feige announced the new details on the Thor sequel with the following appraisal of the cast and promise of excitement:

The continuation of the epic Thor franchise will be powerful and unique, and with the additions of Cate, Jeff, Tessa, Karl, and Mark to the cast we have the makings of his most dangerous and heroic adventure yet. The sheer, raw talent each of these actors brings to the screen cant be quantified. Having any one of them join the Marvel Cinematic Universe would be an honor, and having all of them is incredible."

After the grimness (and occasional flat-out boredom) of The Dark World a grand adventure sounds like the perfect tonic. Hopefully "more dangerous" doesn't just mean more darkness though, because that hasn't worked before.

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