10 Major Horror Movie Reveals That Should Have Come At The Beginning

3. Edwin As A Killer - Predators

The Village Ivy Bryce Dallas Howard
20th Century Fox

Predators switched things up by giving audiences a cast of diverse rogues, from ruthless mercenaries, cartel enforcers, and Yakuza members. But in a poor attempt at a twist, the movie thought itself clever when audiences could see a certain reveal coming right from the start.

One of the survivors of the game preserve planet is Edwin, a disgraced doctor who accidentally killed his patient. Throughout the film, fellow characters question why he was taken by the Predators when the rest of the group are hardened killers.

The problem, then, is that genre-savvy viewers already know what the twist is and that Edwin is a serial killer. He then becomes the secondary villain for the rest of the film when he tries to murder Isabelle but is stopped and killed by Royce before doing so.

While the movie does its best to turn this into an effective twist, Edwin's innocence was always in doubt. So, by the time he shows his true colors, it's not much of a surprise. Showing his sinister nature right away would have added tension to the film, as audiences would worry about his next move.


Loves film, games, and music. Collects Predator figures from time to time and a huge Sonic fan.