10 Major Movie Recastings You Didn't Even Notice

1. Josh Brolin As Thanos - Guardians Of The Galaxy

Emperor Palpatine Empire Strikes Back
Marvel Studios

In a complete reversal of the other entries on this, people may not have known that Thanos actually had a different voice actor before Josh Brolin stepped into the fold.

First fully appearing in Guardians of the Galaxy, the big bad of the MCU was played by Brolin in both Avengers: Infinity War and Endgame. As The Mad Titan, Brolin tore through Earth's Mightiest Heroes and temporarily turned half the universe into dust using the Infinity Gauntlet.

Marvel early adopters will remember that Thanos first appeared during a post-credits scene of The Avengers in 2012. He is being told about the Chitauri's failed assault on Earth and seems to smile at the idea of "courting Death".

However, this is not Josh Brolin.

Thanos is actually portrayed by Damion Poitier, an actor with a bunch of uncredited appearances in films like Star Trek and Dreamgirls. He performed his role in full make-up and costume and was excited about playing the villain as he had been an avid comics reader since childhood.

Sadly, Poiter was passed over for the permanent role of Thanos in favour of the much more famous Brolin. Still, he can be proud to have played a part in one of the biggest film franchises of all time, even if it was just a brief one.

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.