10 Major Plot Holes You Probably Missed

2. Jurassic Park

jurassic park
Universal Pictures

The Hole: The Mountaineering Ninja T-Rex

A classic plot-hole that has bothered me ever since I saw Steven Spielberg's dino epic at the cinema almost 20 years ago, but one which has never sufficiently spoiled the experience of the film for me. When the park security systems go down and the fences lose their charge, the T-Rex forces its way through the useless fence (which is way too flimsy even for an electrified one - talk about lack of a safety net) to attack the tour cars, having enjoyed a pitifully sized goat-shaped snack. (It's always seemed a curious idea to me to provide the creature with what is effectively an amuse-bouche to get his appetite up).

She has clearly been able to walk up to said fence in order to eat the goat and then to escape, and yet during the attack, when she pushes the tour car housing Tim back into the enclosure, the car falls down into a tree, and reveals a drop of at least 50 feet (which is a much more intelligent security fail-safe).

So how did the T-Rex scale the wall to get to the road? Those tiny arms are clearly not made for climbing of any sorts. Spielberg apparently didn't care about the plot hole, because the sequence was so thrilling, and he was perhaps right not to care, since it's one of those holes that we forgive in the name of art. And because it inspires a very endearing image of a mountaineering T-Rex, who is clearly also some sort of ninja, thanks to the way she sneaks up on the raptors at the end to save the fleeing humans.


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.