10 Major Predictions For Star Wars Episode VIII

What can we expect for Episode VIII?

Recently, brief footage was released that shows the continuation of the last scene from The Force Awakens. Rey stands before a silent Luke Skywalker, presenting him with his father€™s lightsaber. Luke has still yet to speak, but the weight of the moment says a lot: this is a serious meeting with serious implications to follow. We still have another year to go until Star Wars Episode VIII will hit theatres, but we can look to the seeds planted in The Force Awakens and other movies in the series to guess at what we may expect to grow. To a certain extent, it's frustrating that there's a side-step with Rogue One coming first, but hopefully that will simply encourage the hype for Episode VIII further, particularly as appreciation for The Force Awakens matures. The open-ending of the movie inevitably inspires more questions: are Luke and Rey related? What is Supreme Leader Snoke€™s agenda? What will happen with Finn. Here are some of the things we may see that could answer some of those questions...

A wry wit writer from Florida, Sean literally bleeds Star Wars. He enjoys spending time with his three kids and indulging in a game of Hearthstone or Magic: The Gathering every now and then.