10 Making-Of Movie Secrets Hidden In Plain Sight

9. Christina Hendricks' Fake Heads - Drive

Drive Christina Hendricks

It isn't being unkind to the great Christina Hendricks to say that most people will remember her role in Nicolas Winding Refn's Drive for one reason - she gets her head blown off with a shotgun in highly nauseating fashion.

And because Refn loves to troll his audience, he decided to include a reference in the movie itself to the special effects magic that rendered Hendricks' grisly, head-exploding death scene.

Late in the movie when Driver (Ryan Gosling) enters a trailer to pick up a mask, on the right-hand side of the frame are three prosthetic heads, which upon closer inspection are clearly the actual head sculpts taken from Christina Hendricks for her death scene.

Look closer still and you can see that the back of the sculpts' heads are missing, presumably to facilitate the shower of blood that ended up spraying from the back of them.

It's easy to imagine Refn cackling to himself as he sneaked this inside baseball reference into the movie.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.