10 Making-Of Movie Secrets Hidden In Plain Sight

7. Agent Smith's Blank Bullets - The Matrix

Drive Christina Hendricks
Warner Bros.

The Matrix may be a technical marvel beyond compare, but it also hides a few sneaky technical sleights of hand in plain sight.

In the climactic sequence where Agent Smith (Hugo Weaving) shoots Neo (Keanu Reeves), seemingly killing him, there's a quasi-pornographic overhead shot of the bullet's shell casing being ejected from the gun.

Except if you look closer, it's clear that we're actually looking at a blank round, because the front of the "casing" is actually crimped, as is standard practice in Hollywood to differentiate a dummy round from a real bullet, which would of course have a typical curved tip.

In a film which pulled off so many staggering feats of visual effects wizardry, this clearly could've been fixed in a hot minute, but the Wachowskis either failed to notice or, just as likely, didn't care enough to correct something so minor.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.