10 Marvel Cinematic Universe Characters Who Could Come Back To Life

2. Arnim Zola

Toby Jones played a very human Arnim Zola in Captain America: The First Avenger, but eagle eyed fans spotted an Easter Egg which appeared to indicate that the HYDRA scientist had been plotting to transfer his consciousness into a robotic body as far back as World War II. In Captain America: The Winter Soldier, it was revealed that he had succeeded. Sort of. Housed deep underground, Zola had successfully remained "alive" by placing his mind inside a complicated computer system. As a result, this is a character who has already returned from the dead in some respects, but the fact he was blown to smithereens when he self destructed means that the door is once again open for another resurrection. Those involved with the sequel have already revealed that they at one point considered having Zola stand up and walk away, but that it felt too out of place in the otherwise fairly grounded thriller. However, depending on where the franchise goes moving forwards, it's perfectly logical to assume Zola may have sent his mind elsewhere before the blast...

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