10 Marvel Movie Mistakes DC Will Undoubtedly Repeat

6. Having To Consider What's Going On Elsewhere (But Not Doing It)

Marvel's movies - or at least the Marvel Cinematic Universe movies - have so much going on that quite a lot of what happens no longer makes sense. There are so many characters that Marvel now need to consider their existence even in movies that they don't star in - and failure to do that will result in a lot of questions being asked. Where was Hulk to help Iron Man in Iron Man 3? Why didn't the Avengers help Captain America as S.H.I.E.L.D. tried to kill millions of people? Why didn't Iron Man fly in to help Thor against Malekith? With so many characters coming in to DC's cinematic universe, they will be asked the same questions in future movies - yet they will inevitably ignore the issue, as Aquaman won't appear in every Superman movie and Cyborg won't appear in every Aquaman movie and so on.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.