10 Marvel Super Teams That Should Be In The MCU

8. The New Warriors

Age of Ultron Hulkbuster Great Lakes Avengers
Marvel Comics

A group brought together by trust fund vigilante Night Thrasher to fight crime, the New Warriors were 1990 Marvel’s response to DC’s Teen Titans property: adolescent superheroes that had failed to set the world on fire in their previous incarnations, brought together as a team.

'Night Thrasher'? This Is Some Kinky Sh*t, Yo

Yeah, you're not making 'yo' happen. He was your basic rich boy angry vigilante, but with a bit of an urban twist: he came complete with a skateboard that doubled as a melee weapon/shield.

A Skateboard? Oh, Come ON.

Hey, the Punisher took the p*ss too, until he saw it in action.

The core team comprised of Nova, a member of the Nova Corps (Marvel’s rip-off of DC’s Green Lantern Corps), Speedball, a failed attempt to create a new Spider-Man; Firestar, a microwave-manipulating mutant who first appeared in the Spider-Man And His Amazing Friends cartoon in the early eighties; Marvel Boy, a mutant telekinetic and the younger version of Major Victory from Guardians Of The Galaxy; and Namorita, the cousin of the crown prince of Atlantis, Namor The Sub-Mariner (one of Marvel’s first ever superheroes).

So, A Team Full Of Bad Teenage Photocopies Of Older Characters? Awesome

You're not wrong. However, this is the team best known for being the catalysts for the Civil War storyline in Marvel comics. Their rash attempts to take down an explosive supervillain result in a mammoth blast that kills over six hundred people.

Although the MCU’s own version of the Civil War will have an entirely different primary cause, the plot device is still a powerful one. Why not run the team’s misadventures as a miniseries like Agent Carter, in the mid-season hiatus of Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D. or another Marvel show, and have it end with a bang?

There's huge dramatic mileage in showing the extent of the fallout that comes from young wannabe heroes, way out of their depth, setting off a horrifying cataclysm.


Professional writer, punk werewolf and nesting place for starfish. Obsessed with squid, spirals and story. I publish short weird fiction online at desincarne.com, and tweet nonsense under the name Jack The Bodiless. You can follow me all you like, just don't touch my stuff.