10 Marvel Super Teams That Should Be In The MCU

5. Excalibur

Age of Ultron Hulkbuster Great Lakes Avengers
Marvel Comics

The original Excalibur were founded, like the Thunderbolts, in the aftermath of an explosive Marvel Comics crossover event which saw the X-Men ‘die’. Former members of the mutant teams, in tribute to their fallen friends, banded together with Captain Britain and his shapeshifting other half Meggan, and were later joined by super-powered MI6 spy Pete Wisdom, amongst others.

But Marvel Aren't Allowed Any Mutants In The MCU. Everyone Knows That.

Well, not right now, no: but while Excalibur’s line-up obviously can’t include mutants like Nightcrawler, Phoenix and Shadowcat, they weren't the only reason that the team worked so well on the printed page: and the MCU has Inhumans that can fill some of the holes in the roster.

Let's Get Back To Captain Britain. This Is Another Joke, Right?

Actually, Captain Britain freakin' rocks. He's got vast superhuman strength, stamina and speed, can fly faster than the speed of sound, and he's a creation of magic, the heir to power from another universe.

More importantly than all that, his adventures are usually horror/sci-fi-tinged, involving protecting the world from extra-dimensional villains and monsters. The bizarre is pretty much where he lives: think the same vibe as Doctor Who but fronted by Thor, and you're near the mark.

As a colourful, weird alternative to Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D. on ABC, Excalibur could give the same kind of exotic, irreverent texture to the MCU’s television wing that Guardians Of The Galaxy do on the big screen.


Professional writer, punk werewolf and nesting place for starfish. Obsessed with squid, spirals and story. I publish short weird fiction online at desincarne.com, and tweet nonsense under the name Jack The Bodiless. You can follow me all you like, just don't touch my stuff.