10 MASSIVE Star Wars Moments You Didn't Even See!

5. Maz Kanata Getting The Skywalker Lightsaber

Darth Vader Pilot

Yep, you just knew this one was going to pop up sooner or later.

Easily the most infuriating unanswered question the sequel trilogy threw into the Star Wars universe, Maz Kanata's owning of the Skywalker lightsaber in Episode VII - The Force Awakens came with a once-fascinating tease.

As she handed the weapon over to Finn, and was asked by Han Solo how on earth she came to possess it, the Force-sensitive alien just threw a swift "a good question, for another time," back at our heroes.

And that was that.

Though it was shown in the Charles Soule Star Wars comic series that an Ugnaught worker on Cloud City eventually found the weapon in the wake of Luke having his hand chopped off by his dad, precisely how Maz got her hands on it wasn't just not shown on-screen, it was never explained... ever.

Sure, The Rise of Skywalker Visual Dictionary at least notes that it was eventually salvaged from the industrial depths of Cloud City, but doesn't go into any detail when it comes to how it ended up in Maz's castle. And seeing as though that moment eventually leads to the weapon finding its way to the likes of Finn and Rey in this latest trilogy, it's certainly a rather biggie. But one we still know hardly anything about.

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