10 MASSIVE Star Wars Moments You Didn't Even See!

3. The Dissolution Of The Senate

Darth Vader Pilot

While it was unquestionably an extremely important part of the prequels, the Galactic Senate doesn't make a single appearance in the original trilogy.

As for what happened to the giant room full of floating senators from across the galaxy who once gathered together to argue about various laws and changes that would affect the planets within it, that was actually explained away in a throwaway line during Episode IV - A New Hope.

It was noted by Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin as he wandered into a meeting with Imperial officers, that the Emperor had decided to dissolve a now-Imperial Senate that had already lost a ton of its power - following on from the end of the Clone Wars, regional governors ended up having more power than those who once fought for change in the Senate Rotunda.

Watching Palpatine suddenly bring an end to the once-powerful Senate and the reaction of the senators themselves to the death of the final remnants of the Old Republic would have definitely made for a compelling watch. But this was a huge moment for the galaxy far, far away that was just reduced to a line in a scene mostly remembered for Vader finding an officer's lack of faith disturbing.

One thing is for certain, though, you can bet there was no thunderous applause this time.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...